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Study Material

Our Videos SEM 4- marketing research(Research design and it's contents) By Dr.sushila hansda SEM 4 topic -tax planning for new business By Dr.sushila hansda

Anuradha verma GSCW, JSR subject- FI&Market sem 4 regulatory framework & Structure of MF SEM 4 corporate tax planning topic- tax planning for new business (nature and activity of business) By Dr.Sushila Hansda

Anuradha verma subject- FI&Market , sem4 Types and constituents of Mutual Fund

Ring And Field , P.G Mathematics (Semester-4) BY Dr. Savita Mishra

Anuradha verma GSCW, Jsr subject-Fin.Ins.&Market sem 4 , Objectives role and activities of GIC

Calculation of Bonus,Bonus Act Amendment Act 2015, (M.Com Semester- 4) By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor

Calculation of Bonus,Bonus Act Amendment Act 2015, (M.Com Semester- 4) By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor

Anuradha verma GSCW,JSR subject-Financial Institutions and market sem. 4 topic-GICI

Bonus Payment Act 1965 (M.Com Semester -4 ) By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor

Anuradha verma ,GSCW,JSR subject-FI& Market sem 4 topic-LIC

Linear Algebra -- Mathematics Honours Semester-5 Dr. Savita Mishra

Set Theory -- DeMorgan's Law (Semester-5 ), Lecture--2 By Dr. Savita Mishra

Operation Research Inventory (Lecture - 1) PG SEMESTER- 3, MATHEMATICS By Dr. Savita Mishra

Employees State Insurance By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor

Ring and Field Semester - 4 (M.Sc Mathematics)

Anuradha verma GSCW,JSR.subject- Financial Institutions and Market sem 4. Topic-LIC

Anuradha verma GSCW,JSR Subject-Finance sem 4 topic- Financial Instruments Sem4 , marketing research paper- Application of marketing research By Sushila Susaren

Anuradha verma GSCW, JSR subject-FI&M sem 4 topic -Commercial Bank

meaning nature importance of marketing research ( Sem4)By Dr.sushila hansda

Introduction of superconductivity(Physics) By Dr.Sweta Sharma

Economic Environment In India By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor(M. Com-Semester-3)

Characteristics And Importance Of Business Environment By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor(M. Com-Semester-3)

Dimension of Business Environment By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor(M. Com-Semester-3)

Components of Business Environment by Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor(M. Com-Semester-3)

Qualitative Techniques & Limitations of Monetary Policy by Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor(M. Com-Semester-3)

Balance of trade -02Lecture By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor(M. Com-Semester-3) sem3 marketing paper - Brand positioning - By Dr.Sushila Hansda

Quantitative Techniques Of Monetary Policy Second Lecture By Dr Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor.

Tools Of Monetary Policy (Quantitative Techniques First Lecture) By Dr Mukul Bhengraj

Meaning and Items of Balance of Payment(M,Com-Semester-3)

Topic- Meaning of Balance of Trade(P.G Semester-3) By Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor

Anuradha verma GSCW, JSR subject-Financial Institutions and market sem-4

PG Commerce, Semester 3, Basics of Futures Contract By Kumari Anamika

Meaning of Balance of Trade By Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor, P.G Semester-3

Group Homomorphism and Isomorphism (Lecture - 3)PG Mathematics for Semester - 2 By Dr. Savita Mishra

Group Homomorphism and Isomorphism (Lecture -1)For PG Mathematics Semester - 2 By Dr. Savita Mishra

Group Homomorphism and Isomorphism (Lecture - 2)For PG Mathematics Semester - 2 By Dr. Savita Mishra

Consumer Protection Act 2019 By Dr. Mukul Bhengraj, Assistant Professor, The Graduate School College

Meaning of GAAT and W.T.O By Mukul Bhengraj Assistant Professor

Group Theory Lecture - 2 (PG Semester - 2 and UG Semester - 3!!!!!) By Dr. Savita Mishra

Anuradha verma GSCW, Jsr subject-Business Environment sem-3 topic-IMF

Consumer Protection Act 1986 By Dr.Mukul Bhengraj, Assistant Professor,The Graduate School For Women

Meaning and Objectives of Trade Union by Dr.Mukul Bhengraj, Assistant Professor

Anuradha verma GSCW, JSR.Subject-management principles and applications B SEM 3 (Product and classification of products) By Sushila Susaren

Anuradha verma, GSCW, Jsr. Subject-Business Environment sem-3, Topic-IMF

Anuradha verma GSCW,Jsr. ,topic-main provision in FEMA subject-Business Environment sem-3 sem3 topic - social ethical and legal aspects of marketing By Dr.sushila hansda

Basics of Option Contact - PG Commerce Semester 3, GSCW, Kolhan University By Kumari Anamika

Main provision of the FERA, subject-Business Environment sem-3 by Anuradha verma

Amendment in FERA & FEMA,2000 subject-Business Environment sem 3 by Anuradha Verma GSCW,JSR. sem3 ,topic - market segmention by Dr.Sushila hansda

An Introduction to Testing of Hypothesis, Sem III, PG Economics

An Introduction to Testing of Hypothesis-II, PG Sem III

An Introduction to Testing of Hypothesis- III, PG Sem -III

Queuing Theory (M.Com, Semester 3) By Dr Kumari Anamika

Modeling Queues (M.Com, Semester 3) By Dr Kumari Anamika

Replacement Analysis (M.Com, Semester 3) By Dr Kumari Anamika

Business sem-3 by Anuradha verma

Business Environment- Macro Environmen , sem 3 by Anuradha verma

Opportunity ,Subject:-Entrepreneurship DSE-2 by Anuradha verma

Importance of Business Environment, sem 3 by Anuradha verma

Marketing management of SSI , Sub-ETP sem-5 by Anuradha verma

Motivation , sem MPA by Anuradha verma

Business Environment- Sample Questions( sem 3 CC-8) by Anuradha verma

Forms of yield of Bonds ,Subject-SAPM( 3 by Anuradha verma

BONDS, (subject:-SAPM) sem -3 by Anuradha verma

An Introduction to Testing of Hypothesis, Sem III, PG Economics By Dr. Suhita

Preference shares ,subject-SAPM( sem 3 finance)by Anuradha verma

Objectives and functions of communication, Sub-MPA( sem-3) by Anuradha verma GSCW,JSR.

Corporate tax planning Pg sem3 By Sushila Susaren SEM 3 elective paper principles of marketing By Dr. Sushila hansda

Green marketing SEM 3 Dr.sushila susaren hansda

Consumer Protection Act 1986 (PG Semester 3 unit 6 Commerce Faculty.) By Dr.Mukul Bhengraj

P.G.Mathematics- sem-3- Laplace transformation of elementary functions! By Dr. Savita Mishra

P.G. Mathematics Sem-3- Laplace transformation of elementary function! (lecture -2)